


Tutorial Tuesday with Thirty Times Three

Welcome to Tutorial Tuesday - If you are new here, this party is to showcase your weekly tutorials. What counts as a tutorial? Anything to "teach me stuff" counts - a recipe, a kid's craft, a DIY project, how you got your baby to sleep through the night ... I'm not picky.

My weekly tutorial: Paint Chip Mosaic.

This week my feature is a little bit different. I began corresponding with my 1000th follower a few weeks ago and we decided a feature was in order to thank her and to help get her new blog off the ground. So let's meet Kristina from Thirty-Times-Three! That's her picture up there - isn't she a doll?

This girl is busy...so hold on tight! Kristina has two full time jobs, the art director for a teen magazine called Atlanta Girl and visual merchandiser at Bleu Dame boutique. I love the fresh and funky vibe of both! Oh, did I mention she is also a full time student at the Art Institute of Atlanta? Well, she is. Oh, and she blogs, and tweets. No. Joke.

In Kristina's own words she is a: "Collector of owl things and Alice in Wonderland books, terrible cook, lover of dogs, flash game artist, and aspiring product/advertisement designer. My goal is to be the next Pioneer Woman and Margot Elena all wrapped into one tiny 21 year old package!" (I confess, I guess I'm too unhip to know Margot Elena ,I had to google her and I spelled it wrong! But I'm a new fan.)

Oh, you know she's an artist, right? Check out my fave:

While browsing her blog, I found some really great stuff! Check out her tutorial Screen Printing 101 using items most of us have around the house!

Do you have an Etsy shop or some other business you need to promote? Check out this amazingly simple yet brilliant marketing idea she came up with to drive customers to her store!

Okay, one more - Water Bottle Flowers! Yikes - I love recycling projects!

So, yeah, this girl pretty much rocks. She brings out the hip in me, inspires me, and exhausts me with her endless creativity. My 1000th follower is pretty darn special. I'm so glad I met her.

Since Kristina is an artist, she is offering up a custom prize to one lucky participant this week...8 x 10 acrylic painting of the animal/critter of your choice. To see some examples of Kristina's work, check out her Flickr.

Want to win?

Either link up with our party (rules are below)


Click on over to "follow" Thirty-Times-Three. Easy peasy, right?

Please... (this is the part at the end of the commercial when the announcer talks real fast)

* Link up using the link to your actual post (not your general blog address) using your name and a the subject of your tutorial to generate interest.

* Add my button or a clickable link back to this post so everyone can join in.

* Visit and comment with all our friends. Show them some love! Meet some new friends! Learn something new!

Ready? Teach Me Stuff!

Hope Studios

I forgot to announce last week's winner of the Single Stone Studios gift card - Congrats to Michelle from Girl in Air!



  1. Fun! This is my first time here. I have a fun tutorial but am not sure where to link up!


  2. It looks like you forgot to add the linky tool!

  3. My craft this week was someone else's idea, so I won't link up this week-but can't wait until I am done with my diy pillows!

  4. SO much incredible talent for so young! I LOVE that...she's a GREAT FIND!

  5. Until Mr Linky is fixed...here's mine:


    have a great Tuesday!

  6. I love this new blog - thanks for sharing it with us. She has so many great ideas!

  7. Thanks so much for hosting! :)

  8. I made my way to her blog and started following before I even knew it would count as an entry, because your description of her was just so enticing! She seems like one ambitious chick! I love that.

  9. I've started following Kristina's blog!
    I made plastic water bottle flowers a couple weeks, too; I love how hers turned out!
    And I can't believe she's balancing two jobs and school! I wish I could handle just being a student...

  10. this is so great! im blushing so much right now! thanks for posting this! and thanks everyone for the awesome feedback! =]

  11. That marketing strategy is so creative!!

  12. These tutorials are making me hungry.

  13. Oh Thanks again! Thank you for hosting!!


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