


Back To School - Feedback Friday

I maintain that there are two distinct groups of parents in the world when it comes to their Back to School feelings.


And criers:

It's Feedback Friday and the kids are headed back to school, how do you feel?

Happy or Sad?


  1. Oh honey, today is my birthday and the second day of school so OH SO HAPPY! What are you?

  2. Can I be both? I love having more freedom, and a set schedule- it's so easy to fall off the schedule badwagon in the summer. However, I miss my kids, and cry every year on the first day. So- im a half and half kinda chic!

  3. I love summer, but it happens every year - about 3 weeks of summer left, the kids are bored and so fill their time driving each other and me crazy! They need to go back to school! Believe me, I'll be just as anxious for school to end next June!

  4. I was always a crier but for the last 10 years, I work at the school. So now, I really am a crier!

  5. I get myself all worked up in the weeks before school begins. I miss them already, but like you said, the second day of school is much happier than the first. I've already cried several times, unexpectedly. I'm a mom, that is how I identify myself, but how do I get to be a mom with no kids? It's a journey of self-rediscovery for me each September.

    I hate to see them go but I fall into my routine pretty easily and I usually feel guilty for that. I have to say – once school begins, my house is much cleaner and dinners are much more creative 

  6. Once school begins, my mind becomes much more clear and I can think of the 100 things we didn't get around to doing this summer, and it makes me SO SAD. I hate it that the teachers get to be with my kids and hear them laugh. I feel empty for a good month.

  7. While I welcome the structured days that the school year brings, I've been dreading the first day for about 3 weeks now...I'm definitely someone who gets sad about it! Like anything with my little guys, I'm fully aware that in just a few short years, they won't want anything to do with me during summer vacation, so I'm living it up while I can. On a different note, my youngest starts preschool in October, which means I will be ALL ALONE for 2 hours each day, and yes, my mind is literally abuzz with all that I think I can accomplish in that small window of time. Almost like getting naptime back! Ha!

  8. I've had a kid in elementary school from 1995 until 2010. Finally the baby is headed to middle school, the next one to high school, the one before that to college, and the oldest will work. I think I would cry if they didn't go! I have a list of things to do as long as my arm! I love the funny commercial - it's one of my favorites. Still, I will look forward to winter break...

  9. I am sad. I want my children to be educated, but I miss them a whole bunch when they are at school. This year I have a Senior and that makes this year even more bittersweet...

  10. I'm so excited but sad and worried at the same time. The girls are going separate ways so I'm more worried about my 1st grader....:) she'll be alright though! Have a good weekend!

  11. My oldest is going off to Kindergarten and even though she's been in daycare since she was one (because I work full time) I'm having a really, really hard time with it. I'm picturing lots and lots of tears on my part.

  12. Doing the happy dance!

  13. I think I'm a little bit of both. I am READY for the 4 year old to go back to preschool 3 days a week, but I hate to see them growing up.

  14. i understand with both sides of the coin. the first year we stood at the bus stop and cried as it pulled away. the second year we all waited for it to pull away and we went out to breakfast! we decided that it was way to early for cocktails. but the breakfast was a tradition till graduation!

  15. Well...I'm usually ready for them to get out and I'm really ready for them to go back, lol. I mostly like structure and with the both of them at home...there usually isn't much of that.

  16. I cry when we go to the open houses because it means they are getting that much older. But then when the first day of school comes around I am happy, because they are usually happy and excited to go back. So I guess that makes me both ;)

  17. Well, we homeschool so I experience neither of these! We actually started school a week before schedule this year because we were both bored and wanted something to do. And this was only after a 5 week break!

  18. Sniff - always sad to send them back and it's harder now that all of them are in college. They are fun to have around and it is way too quiet around here without them, and all the friends in and out as well.

  19. After the constant bickering and the "he did this" and "he did that"....um, yep, I'll be doing a celebratory dance next Tuesday!

  20. Yep, I'm a mixed bag. Sad because they grow and change so quickly. It is fun to spend so much time with them and hear their giggles throughout the day. This year for me it will be a little weird ~ just me and the baby (she's almost 2... can I still call her that?) Our afternoons will be pretty quiet with her napping. BUT, it is exciting to see them grow, change, gain new experiences, and meet new friends. And yep, the increase in bickering won't be missed :)

  21. Um, it sounds like Charm Bracelet Diva can't wait to unload the kids.

  22. Sooo saddd!!! I've shed so many tears already...this will be my first year all alone....I'll need my soul sisters to keep me smiling :)


Tell me what you think!

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