


What's Up With Hope Studios - the shop?

Things have really started to pick up at The Shop in the last month as Fall weddings come up. Here is just a week's worth of work - some custom and some new things for the shop.

I'm always looking for new quotes that speak to me, and here are a few examples of quotes that did just that:

Love Story

My Heart

I am always looking for inspiration, what is your favorite quote?


  1. I saw that second comment the other day on pinterest and thought it was about the sweetest comment ever. Guess if you are getting super busy I better head over to etsy and get my Christmas orders in!

  2. My favorite quote about love is from the 1980s film The Princess Bride. "This is true love. You think this happens every day?"

  3. These look fantastic - I love your frames, Jennifer!

    I have books and books filled with quotes I've read (a girlhood thing that I still do). A couple that come to mind:
    "Where thou art, that is home." -Emily Dickinson
    "Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, 
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." - 
John Howard Payne

    I love the quotes you use! Inspiring and beautiful to hang in a home! -Lisa

  4. Sheesh.... I am so behind on my reader :(

    Couple of quotes I like are:
    She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future ~ proverbs 31:25

    AND.. (I know I've seen this one in your shop)
    From the fabulous Christopher Robin:
    Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.


Tell me what you think!

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