


Tiny Bow and Arrow

Another project included in the packet of fun my neighbor gave my boys was instructions to built a tiny bow and arrow using popcicle sticks and q-tips. I just noticed I already have this project pinned!

Want to make one?  Here's what you need:

Cotton swabs
Popcicle sticks
Dental floss
A cup of water

I allow my kids to use pocket knives with supervision, but if you aren't comfortable you can cut notches in the sticks like this:

Now, soak your sticks in water for about 20 minutes (the instructions said 1 hour, but that wasn't happening around here).

Next, tie a knot around one end of the stick, using the notches, then wind the floss around several times.  It's better to start with an extra long length of string...trust me..less crying.

Repeat on the other end, drawing the floss taut across the "bow" while bending it slightly.  Um, better to soak more sticks than you need for any over zealous bending.  See?  Isn't it cute?

Cut one end off a cotton swab to fashion a tiny arrow...

Then shoot your brother in the eye!  Shoot your mother in the eye!  Shoot your dog in the eye!  Get sent to your room for not listening to your mom when she told you NOT to shoot people and animals in the eye!

It's time to hunt some tiny prey....


  1. Heehee...they look so cute! Reminds me of the tiny paper footballs a lot of people played with in middle school.


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