


Let's Play Cards!

 I woke up the other morning to see two of my boys playing cards at the breakfast table.  It was so cute - they looked like two old men!

Since then, card games have worked their way into our summer vacation activities.  They play the old favorites like Go Fish and Old Maid, but then we also learned some new games this summer like Gin Rummy and I Doubt It (most adults know this card game as Bull$*it).

I think we might learn Go Boom next. Here is a website with several games that are new to us: Card Games.

What card games do your play with your kids?


  1. That is a great picture! My kids like to play "Kings in the Corner" and "Garbage". My son loves to play "war" ~ I seriously dislike that game! :) Maybe today would be a good day to learn some new ones ~ it's only suppose to be 102 degrees out :(

  2. My six year old loves to play UNO, you have to buy the cards first but it is great fun, especially with more people.

  3. Uno is a great game, as is Phase Ten. You can find them at Target or Wal-mart.

  4. Skip Bo and Uno are two of my daughters favorites.

  5. We just learned how to play "trash" this weekend. An old favorite of ours is "golf".


Tell me what you think!

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