


WTF? Feedback Friday

Students at North Pointe Prep High School have a new school slogan emblazoned on t-shirts:

"WTF (we're the Falcons)"

The school maintains that just because people interpret the meaning of the shirts, that isn't what is meant. The school unveiled the new slogan t-shirts at a pep rally at the beginning of the football season to show they are united as school. (credit)

It's Feedback Friday...

What do you think of the new school slogan for North Pointe Prep?


  1. The school officials are living in denial and trying to cover up a major blunder. The kids are wearing the shirts because they think it is funny. I personally wouldn't let my child wear the shirt.

  2. I can't possibly see how who ever designed or suggested the slogan for the shirts wasn't trying to pull a prank.

    PS we tried to watch Avatar last Saturday and only made it through the first hour. We haven't given up, but I sure hope it picks up a little.

  3. I think the officials are idiots, but I wouldn't care if my high schooler wore it because in reality, they're using that phrase IRL anyway.

  4. I think it´s a fun tongue-in-cheek joke, and I love it.
    Very catchy, unforgettable and it will surely make an impression.

  5. Wow ~ I can't believe the school actually came up with this one! Maybe I'm the weird one, but "no way!" I'm not seeing it as funny or appropriate for school. Regardless of the school saying that WTF doesn't mean what we think, I would bet 100% of us did not think "we're the falcons" or anything else besides "What the F***". Seriously.......from the school!

  6. I had a conversation about this shirt with my teenage boys. Both of them said it's embarrassing for the school and there is no way either one of them would wear it. I felt like who ever designed it and approved it is like the parent who would rather be a friend than actually parent their child.


Tell me what you think!

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