


Warning: Stolen Blog Content

It has come to my attention that there is a "design" blog out there who has stolen HUGE chunks of my content to post since last month. Since you seem to copy and paste everything I write to your own blog with no credit to me or the others you've stolen from, this message should be posted there shortly as notice that I am aware of your actions. Remove my photos and content and those of other bloggers immediately or legal action will follow.

I refuse to mention this person's blog name to avoid giving him traffic, but he is from India and using my blog content and many others' and passing it off as his own to draw traffic and support advertising.

I am very upset that photos of my children and my art are being used to draw income for him and legal action has been taken with his web host and a complaint has been filed with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act website.

If you are worried about your own blog content, comment here and I will pass along the information for you to check this offending site. Thank you to Amanda from SerenityNow4Amanda for bringing this to my attention.

Oh, I'm home from Paris and exhausted. I've had indigestion for about a week and need a proper shower in the worst way...but I'm home and full of posts for the next week! See you tomorrow!

UPDATE: The offending blog has been taken off line!! Whoo hoo for the DMCA!!!



  1. Ewww! I am so sorry to hear that. What a terrible thing to do! I have my own peeves with India right now as I work for a large corporation and part of my job is moving there in the next 6 months. Stealing our jobs AND our blogs?! Best of luck with getting your work off of his page.

  2. I just don't understand people! I am so sorry that this has happened to you and so many other people across the internet.

  3. What a terrible thing for someone to do. I hope you are able to get everything resolved. I'm wondering if you noticed other people's work there as well, or just your own?

  4. Lots of blogs content is there passed off as his own. Some research is necessary to track down the original poster. He passes is all off as his own writing. I'm waiting for him to comment here since I commented there.

  5. This is horrible and shocking to me since I am pretty new to blogging. Can you please e-mail me the link so I can see if there is anything from my blog. Thank you so much and I hope you had a wonderful time in Paris!!


  6. Gasp! That is awful and mean! I'd love to have the info if you're sharing.

  7. OMGOSH! Please let me know who it is! I had some of my content stolen but just ideas, nothing like pictures of kids...that's SO scary!!! Now I'm extra nervous to keep using Sam in my blog.

  8. are you kidding me?!!?!?!?!?
    why do people do that!?!??!?!
    well glad you had a good trip and home safe....can't wait to see pictures of your trip!!!!!

  9. Lots of terrible people on the web. Everyone needs to protect themselves...the only place I post pictures of my family or my son is on Facebook, and then I protect them from being viewed by anyone that's not a friend that I know personally.

    No one can afford to be nieve about the web. No matter how innocent you think you're being, we're ALL targets.

  10. If it's the same person that was stealing Amanda's work, his page no longer exists! Great work :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hmm....I do have a follower from India. I wonder if my stuff is being stolen as well.

  13. What!!!!!!!!! I imagined pictures of the Eiffel tower, stories about romantic evening strolls along the Seine, your take on the Mona Lisa.....STOLEN BLOG CONTENT???????!!!!!!! Holy Smokaroos!!!! Really super scary on so many levels!

  14. Oh, no, Jennifer! That's awful! Now I'm scared to death. How in the world would anyone ever know? I had no idea this was possible! How did Amanda find out? Good work cleaning house and taking names girlfriend!

  15. I'm sure this isn't want you wanted to come home to! I hope gets resolved quickly.

  16. Hey! Dear all,

    I don't get any email from DMC or My host provider.

    I have delete all the post because of your email.

    Today I have delete your post from my blog http://www.designhomeonline.com/

    what you do if other will not delete your post.

  17. designhomeonline, Yes, I want to know how and why you stole her blog content.

  18. Hey man, thanks...that was really cool of you to remove all the content I worked hard to write from your blog.

  19. Jennifer Juniper Thank you.

    This shailesh from designhomeonline.

    I am going to post how to protect your blog from stolen people. like me ..:)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Um, you guys ever heard of ineffectual sarcasm? I guess that what happened with my last comment.

  22. Jennifer I'm go glad Amanda caught this and passed it along to all of us. I hate that he stole our blog content, but to post photos of someone's child. I can't even muster the words for this creep. Well, I can, but I won't repeat them here. :-)

  23. I'm glad Amanda brought this to your attention. I'm sorry for not commenting sooner - I was traveling for work.

    I would flip if pictures of my daughter were used in that manner. I'm glad you spoke up and challenged that jerk.

    Trust me, from experience, the internet blogging legal world can be a complex mess, but you did have the law in your corner and that blogger did the right thing by taking the site down instead of being forced to - which wouldn't have been pretty. Let me know who it was. I'd be happy to call him out and unleash the fury through my site, on your behalf.

  24. It was extremely interesting for me to read that article. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.


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