


Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? Feedback Friday!

I was at the grocery store the other day and wished the cashier "Merry Christmas!" to which she responded "Happy Hanukkah!" I liked that.

So, it's Feedback Friday...

Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Hanukkah" or do you stick with "Happy Holidays"?

Does it change depending on where you are (work vs. grocery store)?



  1. I say both Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, but not because I'm worried about offending anyone. There are so many holidays packed into this time of year: Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, New Year's, I really just want to include them all no matter what your religion or beliefs. I consider Happy Holidays a nice umbrella for any of the winter holidays even if it just means Thanskgiving & New Year's.

  2. I say "Happy Holidays" just to cover all the bases. I'm not one of those people who gets all up in arms about the word "Christ" being present in every holiday event and greeting, even though I'm from Tulsa and it's a hot issue here right now. I roll my eyes at people like that.

    I think the whole purpose of this time of year, no matter what you celebrate, is to take part in family traditions and to be overcome with generosity and cheerfulness. People who go out and look for things to get all worked up over are totally missing the point in my opinion.

  3. I say Merry Christmas bc that's what I celebrate. If you told me Happy Hanukkah/Kwanzaa etc, I would not be offended I would just say it back in celebration. I don't like Happy Holidays/Seasons Greetings bc I feel it's a bit generic. Not offensive but generic and I don't like generic. It doesn't tell much about the person so I think we should all say Happy/Merry "whatever" we are celebrating.

  4. I say Merry Christmas, but I don't get offended when someone says Happy Holidays. I don't like it when stores don't allow their employees to say Merry Christmas. For pete's sake, if you don't let them say it, then don't sell things to profit from it.

  5. I say Merry Christmas b/c I am a Christian. If I know that someone is Jewish, etc. then obivously I would wish them a Happy Hanukkah.

    My goal is not to be antagonistic, but to be peaceful which I think the season is all about anyways.

  6. I use both Merry Christmas AND Happy Holidays. Around Thanksgiving and until about the middle of December, I say Happy Holidays. Then it's Merry Christmas.

  7. Depends where I am. At church I will say Merry Christmas. Out and about I'm more likely to say Happy Holidays because there are so many different things be celebrated right now . . . unless somebody says Merry Christmas to me first.

  8. I mostly use Happy Holidays because I work in a retail store and don't want to say Merry Christmas to those who don't celebrate.

  9. I say Merry Christmas, but if someone says Happy Holidays or something else to me, it doesn't bother me. Because Christmas is what I celebrate, it doesn't make sense for me to say anything else.

  10. I celebrate Hanukkah and the birth of my Messiah. You can read about it at my blog:

  11. I'm a Merry Christmas girl, but really all holiday wishes make me smile :)

  12. Wishing a happy "insert holiday here" should be taken how it is meant. Wishing someone well. I'm with you, Jen. If I'm wished a Happy Hanukkah or any other holiday I'm just as happy as I would be if I were wished a Merry Christmas and can't help but smile and thank them.
    Anyone that is offended by someone wishing you whatever holiday they celebrate is simply LOOKING for something to be offended about and they aren't worth my time.


  13. I say Happy Holidays because I'm really hoping that people will enjoy all of this holiday season, and I really want to embody my Christian heritage of enveloping those I encounter with love and acceptance.


Tell me what you think!

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