


Wine Bottle Candle Holders

Ready for the simplest tutorial evers?

One of the things we do on our Soul Sisters Weekend is shopping. We don't want to buy so much as we want to gather ideas for future projects (shop owners L.O.V.E. us...NOT!). A cool product I noticed in a little boutique was this thing called a "Bottlabra". (Dude, I'm a sucker for a catchy name like this, I was sold once I read the package.)

It looked like this:

And they showed them in a grouping like this:

That. Is. Cool.

Bottleabras sell for about $10-$18 apiece and that is pretty spendy if you plan to group them. There must be a better way! Oh, hi there, guy that works at Lowe's...

Come on, girl, let's hit the plumbing department!

Get yourself this little gadget, a copper 1 x 1/2 inch thing-a-ma-bob that does plumbing-ish stuff. It costs right around three bucks. If you want to appear knowledgeable, refer to them as "reducing couplings" then sniff and spit. (Look! I just found it here for $2.20!)

Collect some wine bottles of various colors and sizes. You will just have to try out each one since the neck width is slightly different in each bottle. About 50% of the wine bottles I'd saved fit.

Soak your bottles in super-hot water to remove the labels. Good old elbow grease and soap work to scrub off the residual glue in most cases.

Slip the copper do-hickey into the neck of the bottle, stick in a little ball of clay (or play doh in a pinch...shhh...), press a non-drip candle into the clay, and VOILA!

See my Thanksgiving table? A long row of Wine Bottle Candle Holders and lots of smaller jars (olive jars, jelly jars, etc...) filled with votive candles.

Ah, lovely...Imagine your Christmas table, or a buffet table, or your mantle!

Want to Teach Me Something? Come back tomorrow to link up with Tutorial Tuesday!



  1. That is the coolest thing ever! So bookmarked this page. I bought something a little similar from Sundance Catalog for $38 (set).

  2. sniff and spit! LMAO!

    i bought a set from Wisteria ($34), but i really love this idea!

  3. Adore this idea...and after collecting bottles forever, I'm heading to Lowes! Thanks!

  4. I love it! Now I must get drinking.... =)

  5. How do you keep them from tipping? It seems like an empty bottle would be very "tippy" and with reaching for food and general activity at the dining table...

  6. Glass, even empty, is much heavier than a wax candle. But, if you are concerned, you could always add some sand or beans to the bottom of the bottle :)

  7. What a clever idea...and so well presented! Love your "presentation"...now I'm off to Lowe's to buy a copper do-hickey or two, three, whatever!


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