


A Grassy Crime: Conclusion

So, I've had several questions about the resulting backlash from cutting down my neighbor's dead clump of ornamental grasses (Read the full story here).

It went down just like I suspected...I don't even think they know they are gone. In fact, I'm not even sure they realize that flower bed is on their side of the line. Before they moved in there was about 6 months between the previous owner moving out and them moving in so I used to weed their beds on a regular basis to make it easier for them to keep up with when they moved in. I think that was probably the last time anything was done outside.

So, I'm a free woman to walk the streets and take care of peoples yards all willy nilly for another day. Beware...

Are you getting ready for Thanksgiving yet? You have a little over a week - I just bought my turkey yesterday.

Take a look at some of my previous Thanksgiving posts to help with the Thanksgiving day schedule and recipes:

Thanksgiving planning

Thanksgiving planning cont...

Fun Thanksgiving Cookies, Pilgrim Hats



  1. Hey Jenn...I can give you my address as I'd love for you stop by with your weeding-bush-cutting supplies!! No get-out-of-jail-card necessary!
    xo Cathy

  2. Hi, Jennifer

    How funny! Come over to my house and pull my weeds. I hate those things and they don't die. ugh! Have a great week.


  3. I have to tell you.. WE ARE THAT LADY! I am ashamed to say that my husband does not take care of our lawn, and I'm unable to do it due to hip and back issues (I'm only 29-it's pathetic). I am so embarrassed to go outside - it's that bad. We have had a pile of rocks sitting on our driveway next to the garage, I would say for at least a year, to be put in the flower beds to help them not wash out... there is one side of the house I don't let my kid go on because I'm scared snakes might be hiding.... seriously, we're the white trash of the neighborhood.

  4. I wish you lived on my street :)

  5. Hooray for you - that weight is off your mind!! Going to purchase my turkey today and a few canned goods so my Monday shopping is not such a beast...

  6. Kim, you crack me up! Her husband works a lot so I don't mind.

    I knew if I asked they would say "Oh! We will do it" then never get to it. Type A much? :)


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