


Sports Drama - Feedback Friday

So sports parent drama is a reality for most of us with younger kids...did you ever watch Dance Mom's?  Not so far fetched!

Here is my latest question that is perfect for Feedback Friday...

What do you think of the president of a sports board assigning their spouse a board position?


  1. I live in a place where football is king, and half the parents are trying to either relive their high school glory days or make up for their lack of sports glory through their kids. It isn't pretty. However, for the most part, most parents don't want to do any of the actual work, so the only drama surrounding filling board positions is finding someone who actually wants them. If lots of people want to be on the board, maybe elections might be a fairer option.

  2. I agree that many parents are trying to relive their glory days! Remember when youth sports was for learning to play the game and sportsmanship? Sigh...good times...


Tell me what you think!

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