


12 Years

Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary! Some days I can't believe it's been twelve years already and some days it seems much longer :)

We always sit down to watch our amateur videos, filmed by two friend's dads. We laugh at how skinny, young, silly, hairy we all were. We bitch about the fact that they both forgot to tape us coming down the isle or dancing our first dance. We crack up at some of the dance moves (the weed-eater, anyone?), the way one of our friends forgot her name and introduced herself on camera as "Mark's wife", and how my little cousin looked into the camera to find "Jenny the Princess".

We roll our eyes as the one dad takes up an inordinate amount of camera time flirting with the waitress and filming butts and boobs. And avert our eyes to avoid motion sickness when the other dad begins to dance while still holding the camera.

We laughed and cried, danced and sang...it was a truly great day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Happy Anniversary! I hope you have sauntered down the stairs with your dress on!


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