


It is 1000 degrees around here

Yes, I was complaining a few short weeks ago about the cold weather and the rain but this is crazy! I've had to break my "only one shower per day" rule a few times already.

I don't know if that is a Jen thing or a girl thing, but I hate "getting ready" more often than I have to. Maybe it's because blow drying and make up application is involved. My husband seems to have a schedule of fitting as many showers in per day as possible. I guess if I just had to towel and run I'd do it too, but my hair and skin can't take all that cleanliness.

I have a friend who shares my one shower rule and if we've planned to go out that night we both walk around with ball caps all day saying..."I'm saving my shower for later when we go out." by way of explanation to every random person who doesn't care.

So, up with stink! You go girl!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....I totally am like that!!!!!....especially with going to the Y, it can get tricky!!!! I even think about it the night before sometimes...when I'm going to "fit" my shower in...like if I have something to do in the morning or am going out at night....like it takes soooo long...but I do NOT like the whole process of "getting ready"...I'd rather spend the time doing something else productive!....and why is it that I feel compelled to look nice, makeup/outfit etc...for my yearly gyney appt...or my hair appt????


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