The corn pudding was a huge success and the only new recipe I tried this year. Everyone loved it and it will be added as a regular from now on. The turkey was golden and was a pretty as a picture, but with 15 people crowded around it I didn't get a good picture. It got whisked away to the laundry room ASAP to carve. For some reason, the men in the family take the turkey to my tiny laundry room to carve (eat). They take their drinks and all cram in there and have a little man party while standing shoulder to shoulder among the craft supplies and laundry, snitching pieces of crispy skin and dark meat.
This is what it looks like if you venture in
After all the eating and drinking I set up shop at the kitchen table among dirty dishes and slices of pumpkin pie and got to work. At around midnight I had this to show for it:
It is such a relief to get things in boxes and out! So, here are 10 Christmas gifts that will be delivered on time...18 to go...
This week I will unveil my new Christmas mantle for this year. I am so excited and was inspired by a tiny photo in my Better Homes and Gardens magazine this month. That is your only hint, for now...
I love that feeling of getting things boxed and ready to go!!!...then I plop it all on the front seat of my van :) Good work!!