


St. Patty's Day Tradition

St. Patrick's Day is coming up and my kids love any holiday they associate with candy. Wait, you DON'T associate St. Pat's with candy? Oh, that will have to change!

These boys of mine love tradition and can remember the most minute details of something I do once. They relive how great it was and look forward to it the next year. Sometimes that pressure is a bit daunting, but if I can remember to plan ahead I usually end up with some pretty happy kids.

Now, we all know leprechauns are mischievous little devils, and they go a little crazy on St. Patrick's Day. It goes without saying that you must wear green on that day or you will get pinched by a frisky little leprechaun when you least expect it. But what other kinds of trouble do these little guys cause each year? They like to make a mess!

Leprechauns aren't malicious, they just like to have a good time at the expense of others. Their little pranks really tickle the kids, so each year we wake up to a little St. Patrick's Day mess that they make while we are all snug in our beds:

Chairs overturned, pillows on the floor, newspapers spread around, the kids get such a charge out of waking up to this mess. If you look closely you can see how these pesky little leprechauns make it up to them...

A bit of treasure is left behind in the form of candy coins!

What St. Patrick's Day traditions do you have?



  1. Fun post! You know I don't really have any traditions...Maybe I need to start one this year:)


  2. looks like fun! i never thought of doing this at home! i hope they help you clean up after the leprechauns! i am hoping that we will make it to our local parade this year :)

  3. That is so cute! I guess I'd have to make sure the place looked clean before the kids went to bed, lol! Sometimes I think the house looks like that all the time, ha! When we were kids my dad would always go to the bakery and get cookies or cupcakes with a little surprise on top. We thought he was the best dad ever. It made his day getting those treats for us!

    Hmmmm, I might have to round up those leprechauns and see if they are busy, where do you get the gold coins?

  4. A teacher did this once for one of my kids, in their classroom. Ever since then, we do it here a bit like you do. Fun, isn't it??

  5. I love that...my boys would have thought that was so cool! We used to leave a bunny foot print trail around the house. We mixed cinnamon and water ..fooled them every time. Your a good mom ;-)

  6. Wow, that takes me back to Kinder garden when ALL the teachers in the school would do this! Green glitter and gold coins, overturned desks and chairs. I'm sure the janitors loved St. Patrick's Day!

  7. Fun - my kids would get a kick out of that. I usually make dessert green and hoping this year's celebration is not a repeat of last year's. My youngest ended up at the ER for 3 stitches.

  8. The candy coins came from our local party store - Party City!

  9. jennifer, thanks for the local of the coins. Hey I totally copied you and am posting my books in goodreads. I am a bookworm and I needed a place to put them. I have written down several from your list. How do I post more than 1 page? You have 1 of 4 and I want to put books I'm reading, read and want to read, but I'm clueless, please let me know, thanks!


  10. OMG! That's great!

  11. Ha LOVE this! What am I talking about? My kids would LOVE it!

  12. What a fun tradition! I have never really thought about doing anything for St.Patrick's day, but wear green. I'll have to remember this!

  13. this is so cute! I hope I remember this when I have kids :)

  14. I think we must have leprechauns every night! (Except they don't leave chocolate!)

  15. You are so much fun!!! I think that's the cutest St. Pat's idea I've ever heard of!

  16. What a super fun mama you are! I really need to do stuff like this for the dude when he's old enough.

  17. I love it! What a cute tradition... :)

  18. We always have Corned Beef for dinner. And my kids are big on pinching anyone not wearing green.

  19. My SIL does this for her kids every year.....I've never done it...but I think I will for Cubby this year...I KNOW he'd love it!

  20. My SIL does this for her kids every year.....I've never done it...but I think I will for Cubby this year...I KNOW he'd love it!

  21. We do this too! We also set traps for them, they pee in the toilet and it turns green, anything they've drank turns green then we eat green pancakes and green eggs! :) I love St. Pattys day! This year I think I'm going to sprinkle green glitter all over the floors too.. even though I'll be mad about that as I'm picking off glitter from my face for the next 3 weeks.


  22. I am so going to have to do this! My 3 year old will get such a kick out of it :). Thx for sharing!

  23. this is so awesome i am saving this idea for when i have little ones
    many blessings

  24. Saw you over at Fingerprints on the fridge (http://bit.ly/b2E3wy). I love St Patty's day!! Your ideas are really cute!

  25. My husband's family is 100% Irish and I have some in my side also, so we have the traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner. I have his mom's recipe for Irish bread and we have that for dessert. Luckily our kiddos love this dinner!

  26. I haven't done that with my daughter but I used to do that every St. Pat's in my K classroom.

  27. Our leprechauns are more sneaky than mean. They leave leprechan kisses (shamrock stickers) all over our house. On the kids toothbrushes, cereal boxes, shoes, dvd cases- where ever. The kids love to find them throughout the day and sometimes a few days after!


Tell me what you think!

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